Ogilvy Social Lab ontwikkelt de eerste campagne voor Dove EU

Het is alweer 20 jaar geleden dat Dove de iconische 'Real Beauty'-campagne lanceerde. Een boodschap die vandaag de dag nog net zo relevant is als altijd, en een jubileum dat het waard is om te vieren.

Dove viert hun mijlpaal met een limited edition serie, met échte quotes, van échte vrouwen, die body positivity en confidence verspreiden. Nadat hun verpakking was ontworpen, startten ze een pitch-proces om social-savvy manieren te vinden om hun beperkte oplage te versterken.

Het antwoord?

Met 'Your Real Beauty' als strategie om momenten van zelfliefde op social media te inspireren, ontwierp Ogilvy Social.Lab een grondige respons bestaande uit een levendige mix van social creative, influencer en CGI.


De creatieve oplossing bestond uit 22 assets, variërend tussen influencers, straatinterviews en interactieve sociale posts, en was gericht op speelsheid, ontworpen om een jong publiek te betrekken op platforms als TikTok en Meta.


Dit is het eerste project van Ogilvy Social Lab voor Dove EU na het winnen van de regionale pitch en er staat zeker nog meer spannend strategisch en creatief ontwikkelingswerk op stapel.


  • Creative strategist - Catherine Sackville-Scott
  • Creative director - Laura Scott
  • Artistic director - Megan Bryden
  • Designer - Michael Clarke
  • Producer - Toon Vandenbranden - Whywise
  • Copywriter - Anna Breinfalk
  • Business Director - Ulrike Stolze
  • Account Manager - Justine Noiret

Quentin Glodé

Quentin Glodé

PR & Influence Director, Ogilvy Social.Lab



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Over Ogilvy | Social.Lab Belgium

About Ogilvy Social.Lab Belgium

Ogilvy Social.Lab is not a traditional agency.

Initiated by Yves Baudechon and Gilles Bindels, the partnership between Ogilvy Social.Lab which began in Belgium in 2013 has been very successful and has spread to nine countries around the world, including the USA, France and the UK where Social Lab has become a key part of the Ogilvy offer. 

Ogilvy Social.Lab is a dynamic community of multidisciplinary social-at-heart specialists that bring together the best of Ogilvy’s creativity and strategy with the agility and performance focus of Social.Lab to truly make brands matter in the Social Age. Ogilvy Social.Lab understands that social is more than just another digital channel. It is the medium that lives in the palm of our hands, reaching people wherever they are and where they want to be. We help Brands and Organisations unlock the business value of social in this new, more complex world by combining the power of creative content with the sophistication of data enriched insights and media targeting to deliver effective results.

We excel in both the creation of experiences and in the analytics required to optimise and deliver effective campaigns. We like to refer to ourselves as an agency that combines storytelling and the system of distribution.

If you are comfortable with very traditional and conventional communications, then we are probably not the best match for you. But if you are looking for a partner that will challenge the way the majority thinks and walk with you bravely into the new world of marketing and communications ... then we are the perfect fit! Our commitment - giving you our best, effecting change and delivering results.

Our motto is the best is yet to come.

Bring it on.

Neem contact op met

Square Victoria Regina 1 - 1210 Brussels

+32 493 04 57 30

